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AP students present developing research topics to peers

This year's Advanced Placement Research students at Trinity College School have launched into their research topics which they will study over the course of

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Halloween celebration casts a bewitching spell

Trinity College School students and staff really gave us pumpkin to talk about as they celebrated Halloween on Friday, October 30th with events across campus.

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Scott House excels in first round of House Debates

The 2021-2022 House Debates at Trinity College School kicked off on Monday, October 25th with a thought-provoking debate on the resolution that “students learn

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Chapel Choir returns, plus ringers stage Halloween concert

Monday, October 25th was a banner day for chapel music at Trinity College School, as the Chapel Choir returned to in-person singing for morning services, and

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AP Research students explore Queen’s University library

This year, Trinity College School is excited to have the largest-ever cohort of students taking the Advanced Placement Research course since the School

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Take Me Outside Week a success

Last week, Trinity College School participated with schools from across North America in “Take Me Outside Week.” EcoSchools Canada (with whom we are certifying

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Author and cartoonist visit Grade 7 & 8 students

On Wednesday, October 20th, all the Grade 7 and 8 students were able to meet two incredible people, one of whom is Josh Rosen, wonderful cartoonist; and Ted

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Bell ringers recognized in chapel

Nearly 30 Trinity College School students were recognized this week for leading live music in the chapel. Bell ties and pins, generously donated by the TCS

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126th Oxford Cup a highlight of the fall season

The Trinity College School community spirit was never more alive and well this year as during Friday’s 126th running of the Oxford Cup. For the second year in

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Academic Insights: TCS Grade 9 Program

How we invest our attention to have a meaningful year is a key theme being explored in the Grade 9 program at Trinity College School as we navigate through to

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