The David Blackwood Visiting Artist & Museum Program Progress
Goal: $300,000 | Funds Raised: $187,143 | Updated: March 18, 2025

Why does TCS need a visiting artist and museum program?
Engaging the Visual Arts makes one’s life beautiful, but it is more than that; it strengthens and builds community by helping to create a common language for creativity and innovation. A visiting artist and museum program at TCS will enrich shared learning experiences, foster collaboration, cultivate inclusivity, and provide the community inspiration beyond the classroom to create a more vibrant, creative school culture in the tradition of world-class artist and former art master David Blackwood.
Specifically, the David Blackwood Visiting Artist and Museum Program can educate the School community about the value of art in our society. In addition to aiding communication skills, viewing and creating art has long been known to help mental health and mindfulness by engaging different parts of the brain.
It can demonstrate to the School community the value of the artistic process in the modern workplace. In addition to helping address stress as a major health risk, the study of art can aid critical thinking and creativity skills often cited as necessary for success in the 21st century.
And, it can enrich how community members engage and experience arts and culture. Bringing more art into a population can increase social cohesion, which lends itself to a healthier, more creative community.
Students who have taken part in previous artist workshops and trips commented:
“I think visual art at TCS definitely shaped how I think as an engineer; I strive to think outside of the box, communicate by ideas in a concise way, and I constantly question what to keep and what to discard. While the breadth and depth of the creative process tested me- it made me resilient, a very important quality in university and my industry. A visual arts education opens up a lot of conversations with people in new spaces.”
~ Ambrose Ling ’21, 3rd year student at the University of Toronto pursuing Computer Engineering with an Artificial Intelligence Minor.
“During my time at TCS, Visual Arts class was a space where I was able to take charge and be collaborative with my peers. In other lessons I was someone who was shy and introverted, but during Art class I felt more relaxed and like my ideas would be supported. Visual Arts gave me confidence, good communication skills, the ability to be resourceful and improved my creative thinking skills.”
~ Rutile Dube ’21, BSc Genetics, The University of Manchester, MS, Genomic Medicine, Imperial College London
Please make your gift to the David Blackwood Visiting Artist and Museum Program today to allow more students to take part in these activities and develop fundamental skills for the future.
With best wishes,
Sally McKay-LePage
TCS Arts Program Director
Donors to date
Anonymous, Class of 1970
Anonymous, Class of 1980
Elas & Joy Abone
Maria Anderson
Michael Audain '55
Hugh Balloch '73
Allan & Judith Barker
Bill Barrow '83
Jim Binch '66
Anita Blackwood
Staunton Bowen '93
Philip Brown '66
Margo Burns
Timothy Carsley '55
Lee Caswell
Brenda Clark
Paul Clark
Edward Colby '62
Neil & Maureen Cubberley
Michael Cumberland '82
James Cunningham '00
Edward Day '53
Pam Dew
James Donald '79
Rod Douglas '62
Mark Dunnill '88
Joanne Farquharson
Geoff Francolini '78
Steven Frank '80
John & Dorothy Geale
Nigel Godfrey '56
Jonathan Good '90
Arifin Graham '74
Robert Haggarty '78
Fen Hampson '71
Rob Heighington '78
Ross Hodgetts '59
George Holmes '76
Mark Holton '65
Brian Hughes '73
Richard Irvine '65
Graeme Jewett '77
Peter Kedwell
William Kelly '12 & Jennifer Tewnion '13
David Kent '71 & Janice Kent
Nicholas Ketchum '60
Donna Kim '10
Helen Kucey
Richard LeSueur '73
David Lindop '64
Michael Marshall '66
Neil McCallum '73
David McCart '67
Aaron Milrad
Stephen Morley '68
Fred Muldowney-Brooks '80
Donald Outerbridge '76
Bob Ramsay '68 & Dr. Jean Marmoreo
Nick Rankin '69
Ruth Redelmeier
Peter Redpath '66
David Robertson '85
Brian Rusted '72
Charles Scott '71
Douglas Scott '81
Robert N.S. Scott '90
Heather & Robert Sculthorpe '69
David Simpson '73
Dianne Steblaj
Lydia & Victor Svenningson '74
Alexander Swann '91
Carl Swanston & Sarah Cashman
Richard Talbot '82
Ann Tottenham
John Vanstone '60
Geoffrey Vernon '76
Frank Whittaker '68
Steven Woodward & Marianne Woodward
Philip Wright '73

Make your gift today
Gifts can be made at, or by calling the philanthropy & alumni office at 905-885-1295. If you have any questions regarding this project or how to make your gift, please reach out to us at