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The Rick Traugott PCMR Memorial Project

Erich Howard ''Rick'' Traugott

1965 - 2024

Rick Traugott sadly passed away suddenly at his home on August 12, 2024. He spent over 30 years at TCS as a faculty member, in the admissions department and most recently in the philanthropy & alumni office, as well as coaching hockey and baseball. He and Sue raised their three children – Jenna '15, Katie '17 and Ben '19 – in Ketchum House while Sue was housemaster. As a result, Rick taught, coached and advised countless students, and spent the last 10 years dedicated to keeping alumni in touch with the School and each other.

No matter what else he did, the name Rick Traugott is synonymous with hockey, his true passion. At TCS and beyond, and at all levels of the sport, Rick was the consummate coach. He took to heart what he felt was the most important aspect of coaching: being a teacher of the game. He helped his players understand more about the game of hockey, and helped other coaches understand how to motivate their teams. He was the first to the rink to greet his team, and the last out the door.

To honour the impact Rick had on so many at TCS, we are planning to name the lobby of the Peter Campbell Memorial Rink in his memory. The official dedication of the Rick Traugott Lobby will occur during the Collin Cureatz '02 Memorial Shinny Tournament on Saturday, January 18, 2025. In addition to the lobby naming, the School has planted a tree in front of the rink in Rick’s memory.

Please make your memorial donation today, directed to the Rick Traugott PCMR Memorial Project. Click below for our online form, or call us at 905-885-1295.

Total Raised at March 18, 2025 - $21,745

Anonymous (3)
Julianne (Bruce) Adams '12
Agnew-Pople Family
Cassie Allin '09
Mackenzie Allinson
M. Victoria Armstrong
Marc & Kim Ayotte
John Barford '74
Tanya Beck
Amar Bedi '03
Jenn (Guenette) Berezowski '09
John Biggar '01 
Adam & Michelle (Churchman) Bishop '05
Emily Blakely '11
Sean & Joan Booth
Jacqueline Boss '06
Staunton Bowen '93
William Bowen '62
David Boyd '91
Jenna Briggs '06
David Brown & Daniele Dumont-Brown
Cameron Buddo '97
Laurie Caine
Renee & Graeme Cameron '91 
Benoit Chapdelaine '97
Kristopher Churchill
Trevor Clark '10 
James Colliver '72
Jennifer Cooke '12 
Eric Davies '82
Michael Den Biesen
Pam Dew
Ashley DiNova
Alison Elliott
Jessica Enman '09
Elizabeth Falco
Steph Feddery '93
Katie Flynn '93 & Brad Smith '93
Olwyn Foley '08

Rhian Foley '11
Vanessa Forchilli-Brash
Geoff Francolini '78
Daniela "Deege" Gagnon '08
Charyl Galpin
Tyler Galpin '07
Gardiner Family
James Gibson '00
The Grainger Family
Alex Hallink-Irwin '09
Lindsay (Pollard) Harding '06
Alyssa (Wilcox) Hayes '11
Myke Healy
Shelley (Reynolds) Henderson
Michelle (Small) Hendrikson '16
Taylor Herrington '13
Olivia Hodder '14
Jon Holmes
KP Hunsinger '08
Taryn Ito '96
Werner Jakobmeier '02
The Jin Family
Robert Kay '07
Peter Kedwell
Tim Kennish '58
Wendy Kennish
Syd the Kidd '10
Tom & Cyndi Langford 
Michael Lattimer '99 & Kathrine Hammer '99
Dixon Lau '01 & Melissa Tai '02
Scott Lawson
Sarah (Wright) Leonard '00
Marie-Claude Leroux '10 
Rachelle MacArthur '09
Deborah MacMillan
Tricia & Phil Mandryk
Gerrilynn Manitowabi '10
Doug & Jacqueline Mann
Heather McClure
Drew McFadzean '97

Evan Metcalfe ‘19 and the Metcalfe family
Cole Moorcroft '17
Adrienne Murphy '11
Jocelyn Murphy '06
Renee Murphy '09
Jeffrey Nadler & Susan Ransen
Carla Nanka-Bruce '97
Garth Nichols '94 & Dale McIntosh
Brett Payette '07
Martha Perry
Andrew & Jenn Petrolito
Maria Phipps
Barbara & Reno Piccini
Olga Quick
Max Rabkin '11
Sarah (Waycott) Reade '11
Jennifer Reid
John Reid
Kristen Richardson
Katharine Robling
Adrienne Ross
Will Salvarinas
Claudia Sanchez '07
Robert Scott '90
Heather & Robert Sculthorpe '69 
Braden Shaw '21
Tony Shaw & Carol King-Shaw
Rachel Stephens
Maeve Strathy
Teresa Tapscott
Stefanie Thomson '10
Torrible/Chesney Family
Mira Trebilcock '08
Vera Turnbull
Maria Velasquez-Labrecque
Jamie & Theresa Waycott
Angus Wighton
Harvey & Peggy Wilson
Kenzia Wong '12
C.E. Ted Wright '97
Rodger & Louise Wright
Benton Yao '01