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Green TCS

Trinity College School supports and develops students so they can become responsible, environmentally aware leaders of tomorrow. This involves role modelling best practices in environmental studies, co-curricular programming, facilities, green space and school culture.

Sustainability Values

  • Our students will learn the knowledge, skills and values necessary for a flourishing future
  • Our community takes responsibility and leadership towards a healthy, sustainable planet
  • We will use our habits of the heart and mind to foster a sustainable future
  • We must nurture our natural habitat so that it can be enjoyed by future generations of people, plants and animals
  • We must shift from environmental awareness to action


Reduce our footprint. Live in a healthy, sustainable community.


Sustainability through learning, teaching and doing.

10 ways to be eco-friendly

EcoSchools Poster
TCS earns EcoSchools platinum certification for seventh year

EcoSchools is a program established to help schools to expand their sustainability practices through a certification framework. Since 2012, Trinity College

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Green Cup Presentation
Rigby and Brent House earn Green Cup honours

A highlight of the end of each academic year at Trinity College School is the awarding of the Green Cup Challenge trophy to Senior School houses who have aimed

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TEAC Leaders
Leadership in support of sustainability recognized at chapel service

Throughout the academic year, Trinity College School students and staff are asked to commit themselves to taking actions towards greater environmental

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Alison Elliott, TCS Environmental Coordinator
905-885-3217 ext.1268