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Health Centre

Trinity College School offers comprehensive health care and health education to all students within a framework of professionalism and sensitivity. Our holistic approach to health care encompasses both physical and mental wellbeing.

On-site facilities

Students can access health services in a number of ways. The system is based in the health centre, an on-site facility that is open daily and houses the office of the director of health services, counselling facilities, a dispensary and two separate dormitories. The School also operates the Frances Price Athletic Therapy Clinic located in the Arnold Massey '55 Athletic Centre; our athletic therapists are available to assess and treat sports related injuries, and work in conjunction with the School’s physician and health centre.

Health care advice and services are provided to all students as necessary, and arrangements are made for services that cannot be provided directly. Services include the treatment of routine ailments as well as more serious medical problems and athletic injuries.

Professional staff

A nurse remains on duty in the health centre from 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; from 8:00 a.m. to midnight on Saturday; and at all times when students have been admitted as in-patients. At all other times, an on-call nurse can be contacted by pager. The school physician is available daily at the nearby Port Hope Health Centre.

Counselling and assessment services are offered through the health centre. Counselling staff members are available weekly at times with hours set to complement the busy school schedule. Counselling services are available to students free of charge. Psychological assessments are conducted on request for a fee.

TCS also employs two athletic therapists who operate a well-equipped sports injury clinic in the new athletic centre. All services are confidential and fully respect the privacy of the student. Emergency medical services are available at the Northumberland Hills Hospital in Cobourg, which is a 15-minute drive from the School; and the services of dentists or medical specialists can be readily arranged.

In addition to providing a full complement of professionals, including physicians, nurses, counsellors and athletic therapists, we encourage parents and students to approach the head of school, advisors and heads of house in regard to issues of health. Like all TCS community members, these individuals have a vital interest in students' wellbeing.