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Boulden House Centennial Bursary
Boulden House Centennial Bursary Progress

Goal: $300,000 | Funds Raised: $174,247 | Updated: March 18, 2025

Boulden House Centennial Bursary
Boulden House Centennial Bursary
Boulden House Centennial Bursary

Throughout 2024, Trinity College School is delighted to recognize “100 Years of Boulden House.” For a century, Boulden House has served as the cornerstone of our Junior School program. It continues this important role today. We have been marking this milestone with events and experiential education opportunities, and look forward to gathering our community for a celebratory gala in the fall.

In conjunction, we are pleased to announce the creation of the Boulden House Centennial Bursary – a new bursary program established to increase the dedicated financial assistance available to Junior School families.

Financial accessibility is one of the School’s top strategic priorities. Scholarships and bursaries open doors to students that enrich our classrooms, champion our sports fields, and light up our stages. Presently over 25% of our Junior School students are receiving financial assistance – a life-changing investment. I can speak first-hand in saying that the positive impact of this investment is felt by 100% of students and staff in Boulden, as we celebrate a diverse and vibrant student body.

The Boulden House Centennial Bursary will be endowed with a goal of $300,000. I am pleased to announce that we have received a leadership donation of $100,000, so we are well on our way! Today I am asking for your support. There is a role for everyone to play in creating this bursary – every gift, of any size, makes a positive impact.

Thank you for your support as we look to welcome more deserving students and families into our special community in Boulden House.

With thanks,

Jennifer Reid
Head of Junior School, Trinity College School


Make your gift today

Gifts can be made at, or by calling the philanthropy & alumni office at 905-885-1295. If you have any questions regarding this project or how to make your gift, please reach out to us at