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TCS Endowment

Financial assistance for our students, professional development for our faculty, guest lectures and other academic enhancements all rely on revenues generated by our endowments each year. Gifts to endowments are invested and only a portion of income generated each year is used for purposes identified by the donor. Our endowments are overseen by the TCS Foundation, an independent charitable organization mandated to manage all TCS endowments.

An endowment is a wonderful legacy opportunity for families and friends to honour a loved one in perpetuity. Endowments increase in value over time creating an enduring and vibrant legacy. Gifts or pledges in the $50,000 - $850,000+ range are required to create a named scholarship or bursary in order to provide meaningful financial assistance each year. Endowment gifts of less than $50,000 are used to establish named funds.

For further information, please contact Doug Mann, executive director, office of philanthropy and alumni at 905-885-3199 or

Endowed & Restricted Funds at TCS

Adrian Smith '94 Memorial Bursary
Aitken Family Bursary
Alexandra Craig Eaton ’00 Bursary
Alsar Family Bursary
Alumni Child Bursary
Andrew Westlake ’95 Memorial Award
Angus Scott Bursary
Arscott Family Bursary
Bahamas Bursary
Bermuda Bursary
Birks Family Foundation Bursary
Blake Macfarlane '06 Bursary
Boone Squash Fund
Boulden House Centennial Bursary
Bruce Barrett ’70 Memorial Bursary
Bunty & Charles Tottenham Memorial Bursary
Burns Atlantic National Scholarship
Byers Family Bursary
Charles H. "Rusty" Dunbar '57 Memorial Bursary
Cirne Family National Scholarship
Class of 1952 Bursary
Class of 1958 Renaissance Fund
Class of 1959 Bursary
Class of 1972 Bursary
Class of 1982 Bursary
Class of 1988 Bursary
Class of 1989 Bursary
Class of 1991 Bursary
Class of 1992 Bursary
Class of 1993 Bursary
Class of 1994 Community Outreach Award
Class of 1996 Bursary
Class of 1997 Bursary
Class of 1998 Bursary
Class of 2007 Bursary
Claude Passy ’35 Memorial Bursary
Clinton Sayers ’80 Service Learning Award
Collin L. Cureatz ’02 Memorial Bursary
C.S. Glassco 1926 Bursary
C.S. Deakin 1932 Bursary
D’Arcy Martin 1886 Bursary
Dashwood Bursary
David Blackwood Visiting Artist & Museums Program
David Kent '71 Western National Scholarship
David McCart '67 Bursary
Davies Eastern Ontario Scholarship
Davies Student Centre Fund
Deluce Prize
Derek Smith '72 Family Bursary
D. Miles Price '56 Guest Musician Fund
Donald F. Hunter Scholarship
Dorothy Beatrice Higgs Bursary
Douglas Lawson ’50 Family Bursary
Douglas & Barbara Witherspoon Bursary
Douglas Huycke ’78 Memorial Bursary
Dr. Robert McDerment Bursary
Dudley Dawson 1893 Memorial Bursary
Elaine & Michael Davies ’55 Bursary
Elspeth Malcolm '09 Travel Award
E.M. Winder Bursary
Ernest Howard Memorial Bursary
Eustace & Juliana Lee Family Bursary
Ewart R. Angus Bursary
F.A. Bethune Award
Faculty Bursary
Forster Boulton Bursary
G.E. Phipps 1922 Memorial Bursary
Gareth Jones Memorial Bursary
Geoff Dale Memorial Bursary
George Booth '61 Family Bursary
George Percival Scholfield 1924 Memorial Bursary

G. Patrick H. Vernon ’45 Memorial Bursary
G. Stuart Osler 1923 Memorial Bursary
Harrison Family Bursary
Harvey S. Southam ’67 Memorial Bursary
Hayden Bursary
H. Bruce Kennedy ’66 Lectureship Fund
Heather & Tom Conyers ’73 Family Bursary
Heather Seybold Memorial Bursary
Hees Ham '91 Bursary
Heritage Fund
Howell Family Bursary
Hugh Donald Lockhart Gordon '58 Sports Travel Award
Hugh F. Labatt 1901 Bursary
Hugh Gordon ’58 Memorial Bursary
Jackman Indigenous National Scholarship
John D. Burns (1975) Bursary
Jane & Donald Hunter '67 Bursary
Jean & Geoff Cirne Bursary
Joan & Conrad Harrington '30 Library Fund
John Bassett ’82 Memorial Bursary
J. Ross LeMesurier ’42 Memorial Bursary
J. Timothy Kennish ’58 Bursary
Judith A. Boyd Bursary
Legacy Bursary
Lennox "Bim" Black ’47 Bursary
Lennox "Bim" Black ’47 Faculty Professional Development Fund
LeVan Family Bursary
Lewis K. Cirne '89 Day Student Scholarship
Library Fund
Mac Campbell ’56 Guest Lecture Series Fund
Mackenzie Family Bursary
Marni & Michael Hargraft ’53 Memorial Bursary
Minetta O’Connor Bursary
Nick Haralampides ’84 Memorial Bursary
Ogaki Family Bursary
Ontario National Scholarship
Parents of Alumni Bursary
Pat Moss 1931 Bursary
Peter Kedwell Faculty Professional Development Fund
Peter N. Thomson Family Bursary
Philip Greey ’53 Memorial Bursary
Philip R. Bishop Bursary
Picov Family Education & Service Travel Award
Price Family Indigenous National Scholarship
Quebec National Scholarship
R.C. Matthews Bursary
Robert Nelson Dempster Bursary
Rose Eileen Daly Memorial Bursary
Seybold National Scholarship
Staff Development Fund
Stearns Family Award
Stephen Rand ’85 Memorial Bursary
Stillman Bursary
Stuart Grainger Bursary
Student Mental Health Fund
Susan E. Phillips Memorial Bursary
Swanee Coffee House Fund
Sydney Saunders Bursary
T.C. Brainerd 1931 Memorial Bursary
TCS Environmental Sustainability Fund
TCS Parents’ Guild Bursary
TCS UK Travel Award
Tim Price '59 Academic Support Fund
Tom Lawson ’47 Bursary
Tomlinson Family Bursary
USA Scholarship
Venables Chapel Flowers Fund
W.E. Wilder '75 Athletics Bursary
Winspear Faculty Development Fund
Wm. Ramsay Osler Bursary


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