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AP Research students explore Queen’s University library

This year, Trinity College School is excited to have the largest-ever cohort of students taking the Advanced Placement Research course since the School began offering the AP Capstone Diploma in 2014. Twenty-four students are currently pursuing a year-long research inquiry into an area of personal interest, culminating in a 5,000-word essay, 20-minute presentation and oral defence. 

On October 21st, this group took part in one of the first academic field trips since the pandemic began, travelling to Queen’s University. COVID-19 protocols from both TCS and Queen’s were strictly observed as the students spent the day researching their topics.

At Queen’s, the students, along with AP Research teachers Shelagh Straughan, Barb Brough and Myke Healy, were hosted by two of the university’s librarians in the Douglas Library research lab. Students were given logins and training on how to access the university databases for scholarly sources on their chosen topics. One student was able to talk to a law librarian via Zoom about a legal aspect of his potential research question.

Beyond the incredible access to university-level research sources, students were able to see what life may be like as students researching at university. Outside the library, during a break in the research process, students were able to see recent TCS alumni currently studying at Queen’s and ask about their experiences. As well, the bus took a circuitous route through campus so students could see a bit of the campus.

The students came away eager to continue their projects, with the next step being an open house here on campus on October 28th, where students will display posters and talk about their research thus far, with their peers and staff.

- By Mr. Myke Healy, director of teaching & learning