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Purposely creating powerful moments

Submitted by sgrainger on

This week, Mrs. Jennifer Reid discusses the beauty of prompting moments that resonate. At TCS since 2000, Mrs. Reid is the head of Junior School.

Written by guest blogger, Jennifer Reid

Last week, in his blog post, Mr. Grainger highlighted a series of memorable events in our lives that invoke gratitude and pride, while compelling us in the direction of living our lives with purpose and through service. For me, the timing of his message couldn’t have been more perfect and I’d like to extend his thinking with this blog. I am currently reading the book The Power of Moments by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, which delves into understanding why certain experiences can have extraordinary impact. At TCS, we are always looking for opportunities to add to the educational experience of our students and families in ways that make lasting memories. 

Chip and Dan Heath suggest that many of our defining moments happen by chance. We go to a social event and meet our future spouse; we wake up in the middle of the night with an idea for a startup. However, is it possible to create and manufacture a defining moment that is both memorable and meaningful? Something that rises above the everyday and can even be something that might influence our lives for decades? The Heath brothers say ABSOLUTELY. In fact, they state emphatically that we shouldn’t wait for them to happen but be the authors of them.

Let’s look at one example of a defining moment directly from the book. Have you heard of the Magic Castle Hotel? Most likely, you haven’t. This hotel, in the heart of Hollywood, California, looks like a typical budget hotel. Its yellow facade and standard amenities make it a thrifty choice for families and, yet, it is considered one of the most sought-after hotels in the area, far outranking those that have more modern, luxurious, pricier offerings. Why? Because it offers a powerful moment. Amidst the yellow exterior, you will find a bright red phone on the wall by the pool. When you pick up the receiver, you get the following greeting, “Hello, Popsicle Hotline.” The guest can then place an order for a free popsicle of their choice which is delivered to them poolside moments later on a silver tray by a staff member wearing white gloves. This phone can be used at all hours and as many times as desired. As you can imagine, kids love this phone and the experience that surrounds it, and we know that if kids are happy, parents are happy! The Popsicle Hotline idea is simple yet brilliant at the same time. The hotel management has capitalized on a truly wonderful yet engineered moment. They know that by making the moment special, customers will forget the smaller details that may come with a budget hotel because the free popsicle translates to a 5-star experience. It’s as simple as that!

How can we take this learning of creating powerful moments and apply it to our own lives to “jolt us and elevate us and change us.” I’m not quite ready to put a phone on the outside of Boulden House to then bring popsicles up to math class, but I do want to continue to find ways to create powerful experiences. The book reveals four elements that go hand in hand with defining moments. They are elevation, insight, pride and connection (and you’ll have to read the book to get more details on each!). If we can incorporate these elements into purposely creating powerful moments, we can be the authors of more moments that matter.

In fact, on a daily basis, TCS is creating powerful moments – in class, at chapel, through athletics, the arts and academics. For me, one such moment was our school’s recognition of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation last September. The School welcomed the Soney family onto campus for a special visit (elevation); the messages from the Soney family members and other speakers influenced me deeply (insight); I was proud to have been part of the experience (pride); and having the entire school community all together for the event (social) was incredibly powerful. This is why I will always remember last September 30th as a defining moment in my life that has shaped me. Think back to those moments that have shaped you. Can you identify the elements of elevation, insight, pride and connection?

I hope you have a wonderful summer and that you find opportunities to capitalize on the power of moments to create lasting memories. Let’s make life extraordinary, one powerful moment at a time.

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