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Gratitude for life’s accomplishments

Submitted by sgrainger on

At Trinity College School, our mission is to launch young people into the world prepared for a life of purpose and service. I believe that such a life begins from a place of gratitude. And there is truly so much to be grateful for. Whether it is reaching a milestone, a personal achievement or a special life event, we all have our list of memorable occasions that stick in our minds (and hearts).

Here is the start of a list of memorable life moments that one might be grateful for and proud of. I hope some of these might be useful for a future conversation with your kids (or at any upcoming small scale social gathering) should you feel a reminder, of what there is to be grateful for, would be worthwhile:

  • Obtaining a driver’s license (freedom!)
  • First job/first pay cheque
  • High school graduation
  • Marriage
  • Having kids/growing your family
  • Being accepted into your preferred school
  • Earning a university degree(s)/college diploma(s)
  • Landing your dream job
  • The love and support of family and close friends
  • Accomplishing something challenging that you didn’t think was possible
  • First trip only with friends (without parents)
  • First romantic relationship
  • Best performance (music, acting, sports)
  • Completing something, by design, that took a great deal of time and/or energy
  • Family holiday with parents
  • Travel/seeing different parts of the world
  • Volunteering your time
  • Bonding with a best friend(s)
  • Buying a home
  • A cherished pet
  • Your health and wellbeing

For me, I still believe that high school graduation remains on my personal Top 5 List of memorable moments!

The day a person graduates from high school they are, in oversimplified terms, transitioning from being a kid to an adult. And, more then ever, they need to be in control and responsible for their actions. And for their future. This does not mean that parents are abandoning them, but something is different, something has changed.

As one of the fortunate ones to be graduating from TCS, the good news is, our students have had the opportunity to build a very strong foundation. But, make no mistake. They haven’t been handed a golden ticket. They will still need to work hard, cultivate strong friendships and networks, and seek out opportunities for personal growth. But their time at TCS will now provide a living example of a formula that works. As well as a reminder of the value of gratitude. And the importance of living a life of purpose and service.

On June 16th we will be celebrating the graduating class of 2023. I look forward to participating in this major accomplishment in the lives of our 122 graduates.

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