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Fulford League season wraps up at Villanova
  • Fulford League season wraps up at Villanova

Be it resolved that the Trinity College School Competitive Debate team has completed another successful season.

On Saturday, April 29th, four students represented the TCS community very well at the spring Fulford League tournament at Villanova College. Students Linden W. and Hibah T. represented our Junior team, and students Oliver L. and Roger Z. represented our Senior team.

To all of the debate team members – Arjun S., Ben M., Haron W., Hayden F., Hibah T., Katie G., Keefer C., Linden W., Nicolas S., Oliver L., Roger Z., Tanay L., TianTian D., and Zach D. – your coaches, Mr. Greg MacPherson and Ms. Allyn Whitehead, would like to congratulate you on your commitment, growth, learning and your passion for debating.

We, as your coaches, are proud to support the resolution, and wish our graduating debaters the best of luck in the future!

- By Ms. Allyn Whitehead, debate coach