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Students say “bienvenue” to French Exchange partners
  • Students say “bienvenue” to French Exchange partners

Like old friends, the students of Trinity College School welcomed their counterparts from École St. Martin de France to campus for the second leg of the biannual French Exchange program, from April 14th to 29th. After spending two weeks exploring French language and culture with their exchange partners in France during the March Break, the TCS students were pleased to be able to reciprocate the warm reception as our guests came to Canada.

Over two weeks, the exchange provided a busy itinerary. Not only did the students from France get to experience living “en famille” with TCS day families, they also attended classes with our students. Our day families were superb hosts, providing an insight into daily life in Canada and also ensuring our guests got to experience local activities and attractions. At TCS, in addition to classes, the visiting French students took part in co-curricular club activities and community events, such the celebration of the 158th birthday of TCS.

As well, there were day trips that allowed our French partners to explore our local area and the province of Ontario. Close to home, our visitors enjoyed a campus tour with Canon Don Aitchison and a trip to downtown Port Hope to check out the shops and restaurants. And, there were excursions to the Big Apple in Colborne, Niagara Falls and Toronto, including attending a Blue Jays game!

The two weeks wrapped up with a special dinner for our TCS exchange students and their partners, host families and chaperones, in Osler Hall. It was a chance to reflect on the exchange experience and all that the students – and adults – gained through the opportunity to share our cultures and enhance our language skills.

Thank you to everyone at TCS who helped to make our guests feel so at home during their time here.

To our friends from École St. Martin de France, merci and au revoir!