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Students head “into the woods” for scientific research
  • Forest Science Research

Trinity College School’s Grade 9 students headed into the woods, as they engaged in field studies at the Ganaraska Forest Centre this week. On May 13th and 14th, the students showcased their skills of inquiry, as well as their ability to work with their peers in the process of scientific exploration.

The field trips are tied into the final unit of the Grade 9 Science course, on “Sustainable Ecosystems.” At the forest centre, students were able to study both lentic (still water) and lotic (river) ecosystems to compare features that affect their sustainability. Working in teams, students were tasked with finding, classifying and counting organisms, and making qualitative and quantitative observations of different abiotic ecosystem characteristics. 

Each team’s observations and analysis were recorded and collected at the end of the research, to be assessed by their teachers, Ms. Suzy Hall, Mr. Mike Harding and Ms. Keara Jakic. As well, the students are being assessed on their procedural techniques and, just as importantly, their contributions, commitment and collaboration as part of their team.

The students enjoyed the opportunity to step out of the classroom and spend time at the forest centre, as well as to engage in hands-on learning together.