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126th Oxford Cup a highlight of the fall season

The Trinity College School community spirit was never more alive and well this year as during Friday’s 126th running of the Oxford Cup. For the second year in a row, health protocols meant that a smaller group of runners representing the Junior School and Senior School took to the course, but with students lining the course in their grade/homeform cohorts to cheer the runners on, there was joy across the campus!

The Junior School was first out of the gate, with runners taking to the course in the early afternoon. Later in the day, the Senior School hit the trails, with each house represented by 10 runners.

During both races, students were enthusiastic in their support of all of the runners, enjoying the beautiful weather and the chance to be together with their peers outdoors.

On Monday morning, the Senior School awards were announced. The Oxford Cup went to Grade 11 student Liam Gibson, who finished with a time of 18:32, while the Wright Cup went to Grade 9 student Charlotte Bélanger, who crossed the finish line in 22:19. Click here for a list of the top 10 runners in the Senior School. The top houses overall were Brent and Scott.

Congratulations also go to our top Junior School runners, the winners of the Saul Cup: Grade 7 student Maeve Sheil (28:08) and Grade 8 student Matt Hicks (22:29).

Once again this year, the philanthropy & alumni office encouraged the broader school community to take part in the Oxford Cup remotely, running or walking the race wherever they are in the world, and to send in photos. Click here to view photos.

Thank you to all of the organizers and volunteers of this year’s Oxford Cup; it was truly a highlight of the fall season at TCS!