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Prefects put their hearts into Bear Fest events

Trinity College School’s prefects put the chill on the “February Blahs” as they hosted Bear Fest, a week of fun activities from February 1st to 5th.

Each afternoon during the final class block, Senior School students took part in exciting challenges in small groups within their grade cohorts. Over the course of the week, each grade had the chance to try the outdoor obstacle course relay, scavenger hunt, trivia contest and dance competition. Whether chiming in with a rubber chicken in the trivia game or running through hula hoops on the snow-covered campus, students were smiling and laughing throughout the week.

As well, each day had a special dress theme, beginning on Monday, with each grade assigned a particular colour to wear. On Tuesday, students enjoyed the chance to wear their uniform dress. Thursday was the always popular “twin day,” where students dress alike in pairs or groups. And Friday wrapped up with each grade dressing like a “generation,” from babies to grandparents.

Thank you to our prefects for organizing this wonderful community-building week!