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New Career Visits program forges bonds within our community

Trinity College School staff imparted their knowledge and experience to students during the first “Career Visits” initiative. Mrs. Jacqueline Priolo’s Term 4 Grade 10 Career Studies students had a trial run of the new program on Monday, April 26th.

The career visits were created to allow students to partner with a TCS staff member in a career field that is related to their interests, so that the staff members share insights and discuss opportunities in the field. This year, visits had to shift to a virtual platform, however, they were a big success.

Students reflected on their experiences after the visits, providing positive feedback. Some of the words that they used to describe the visit included: uplifting, interesting, motivating and inspiring. Some students also expressed a sense of relief from speaking with staff, as they began to realize that they still have a lot of time to choose their career path, and that with the right preparation the sky is the limit.

The Grade 10 students are very grateful to each staff member who took time out of their regular day to meet with them. Students met with a range of staff members from various departments, including philanthropy & alumni, property, leadership, faculty and more. The visits helped students to recognize the diverse talent that is represented on the TCS campus.

The overall feeling shared following the meetings was mutually expressed by staff and students alike: gratitude for a welcomed sense of community in these trying times.