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Prefects conjure up old-fashioned Carnival

Trinity College School’s prefects hosted an amazing day of fun and games for their Senior School peers, during an afternoon Carnival on Saturday, September 18th.

Held on the Hargraft and Hay fields on the north side of campus, the day included challenging activities where students tested themselves by kicking soccer balls into mini-nets, using all their strength on a high striker hammer game, balancing on a slackline, playing a round of spikeball or running in sack races. But perhaps the most popular event was the chance to toss whipped cream pies at favourite staff members, including housemasters.

There were prizes to be won and so many treats: cotton candy, rocket popsicles, ice cream, donuts, soft pretzels and chocolate chip cookies. All of this and a barbecue lunch too!

The carnival was just one activity on a busy weekend at TCS that also included a movie night hosted by the prefects outdoors in one of the tents, and a Sunday afternoon pick-up game of beach volleyball.

Thank you to the prefects and the staff involved in creating a fantastic two days of campus fun!