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Guild members warm up to the holiday season

The TCS Parents’ Guild has welcomed parents to participate in initiatives in recent days that provided a chance for fellowship and fun heading into the holiday break. In addition to hosting the successful Holly Beary Online Auction and decorating the school campus, the guild also hosted a pair of holiday workshops. Held at Baltimore Valley Garden Centre, on Tuesday, December 7th participants create a winter gnome and on Wednesday, December 8th guests crafted a festive planter in the nursery’s outdoor greenhouse workshop. Lots of fun was had by all!

Then, on Thursday, December 9th, the guild’s virtual general meeting featured special guest speakers Ms. Shelagh Straughan (Senior School) and Ms. Sarah Torrible (Junior School). Our school librarians took parents “behind the scenes” – or “behind the stacks” – to share information on library programs and resources. They talked about the many online and in print materials in the library collections which students can access for research as well as reading for pleasure. Our libraries are not only sources of great reading material, but also run many engaging initiatives for students, such as book clubs, Read & Relax, the current Elf on the Library Shelf contest, and the upcoming Holiday Reading Challenge (December 17th-January 3rd) and BookIt reading marathon (January 8th).

Thank you to Ms. Straughan and Ms. Torrible for an enlightening and enjoyable talk, and to all of the parents who attended our recent guild events!

A reminder that upcoming guild events can be found online at In the new year, there are plans to host an online flower workshop and, on February 8th at 10:00 a.m., parents are invited to take part in a virtual book club chat of Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted by Suleika Jaouad. Stay tuned for further details after the break!