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TCS community enjoys the benefits of reading over the holidays

The libraries of Trinity College School have long promoted a love of reading, not only for school work but also for pleasure, amongst members of the school community. And research on the benefits of reading is clear: studies show reading for pleasure not only aids cognitive development, literacy skills and learning success, but also builds confidence, social-emotional skills, sense of connection to others, calmness and relaxation (source).

Over the recent December Break, the Junior and Senior School libraries once again invited students, staff and families to take part in the annual Holiday Reading Challenge as a way to promote reading for pleasure. More than 100 participants signed up to track their reading; each day participants read for at least 30 minutes, they could record their reading for a chance to win prizes. The result was more than 466 hours spent reading between December 17th and January 3rd.

In the Senior School, Mrs. Julie Spencer, library assistant, drew the winners: Kyra Fingas and Ms. Steph Feddery. A special shout-out goes to Senior School students Kyra, Campbell Stephenson and Sarah Egan, who read for every single day of break.

In the Junior School, the prize winner was Scarlett Maguire. Congratulations to the following students from Boulden House, who read every day of the holidays: Edward Liu, Quinlyn Mendum, Jordyn Keystone, Jack Heckbert, Kennedy Adams and Jerry Wang. And a special shout-out to the Grade 8 West homeform for the most readers participating in the challenge and to Grade 7 East homeform for the highest combined number of days of reading.

Well done, Bears! Thank you for once again demonstrating the power of the written word to draw us together as a community.