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Woodworking Club members produce top-notch work

This term has been another highly productive one for the Trinity College School Woodworking Club. As always, the students were very motivated, dedicated and, in the end, they all produced top-notch work. The students were able to select from a variety of project ideas and, in some cases, even came up with an idea of their own based on their interests, which was great to see.

Josie Scott, a talented musician, built a hinged guitar stand out of black walnut while Kyra Fingas produced an amazing laminated canoe paddle with a high level of precision and attention to detail. She also made an impressive set of matching bookends on the scroll saw. Quinten Eames-Cupelli, a hockey enthusiast, chose to make a “hockey stick” coffee table which has already received many comments and praise from the moment it was taken out of the shop recently. Yigit Yurdakul, a fan of the Barcelona Football Club, crafted an awesome plaque with the team logo using several advanced techniques on the scroll saw. Finally, Liam Halsall-Whitney hand-crafted a white cedar canoe paddle and then proceeded to help refurbish an old canoe which now looks like new. His focus and dedication to this project in particular was much appreciated.

Next year will definitely be an exciting one for the Woodworking Club as we will be constructing a 15’ cedar strip canoe, which will be auctioned off as part of a fundraiser in support of the TCS Parents’ Guild, who have kindly financed the start-up materials for the build. The students will also learn steam-bending techniques as they construct traditional style snowshoes and snowshoe-style furniture, which promises to be a great deal of fun!

- By Ty Bailey, club supervisor