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Halfway there!

Submitted by sgrainger on

This past week, on January 19th, we marked the midpoint of the 2023-2024 academic year at TCS, signifying a pivotal moment in the journey of your incredible kids. This is not just about completing the first half of the year; it’s about wholeheartedly embracing and enjoying the sense of accomplishment that your children should rightfully feel.

Within our vibrant community, I’d like to believe that even our “new” students now proudly consider TCS as “their school,” having successfully integrated into our active and challenging environment. This halfway point is not merely a measure of time passing; it’s a time to recognize our students’ growth, resilience and achievement.

Let’s take a moment to acknowledge and reflect on the remarkable progress in various aspects of your child’s life. Whether it’s the enhanced musical or visual art talents or the strides made in foundational subjects like math and languages, your kids have demonstrated substantial growth.

As parents, you are likely witnessing these positive transformations in your children, and I hope you are being reassured that they are not only advancing academically but also honing essential life skills, forming lasting friendships and evolving into more confident individuals.

The midpoint of the academic year is not a mere “hump day”; it’s a crest in the journey – a celebration of accomplishments and a stepping stone to future growth and success. As we navigate the second half of the year, let’s continue to offer unwavering support and encouragement to your kids and all our students. Let’s acknowledge the challenges, appreciate the opportunities provided and relish the richness of the experiences they gain along the way.

Here’s to the second half of the 2023-2024 academic year!

I will raise a full glass to that.

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