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Donate to the Archives

The material collected by the John D. Burns Archives, Trinity College School, includes, but is not necessarily limited to:

  • Records of the official governing bodies of Trinity College School, namely the Board of Governors, including minutes and records of committees, reports and registers
  • Records of the administrative offices of the School
  • Records of related organizations to the School such as the TCS Alumni Association (previously the Old Boys' Association) and the TCS Parents' Guild (previously the Ladies Guild), and others as appropriate
  • Minutes, correspondence and other documents of faculties and departments of the School
  • Publications of administrative bodies of the School
  • Publications of the faculty, staff and administration, students and alumni
  • Military records related to alumni, faculty and staff of the School
  • Personal papers of alumni, faculty, staff and administration donated by the individuals and/or their families
  • Graphic materials related to the School including such items as photographs, scrapbooks, maps, blueprints and architectural drawings
  • Audiovisual records associated with the School, such as sound recordings, film, video and other media, however generated
  • Memorabilia connected with the School, including student trophies and awards, medals, programmes, invitations, cards, textile goods and ephemera

Please see our Donations Policy for more information.

Deed of Gift

A Deed of Gift is required for all gifts-in-kind to document the transfer of ownership of the materials to the John D. Burns Archives Archives. The Deed of Gift will describe the scope and content of the gift in kind, the obligations of the John D. Burns Archives to the donor and the donor’s obligations to the John D. Burns Archives.