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Happy 158th Birthday, TCS!
  • Happy 158th Birthday, TCS!

Trinity College School was officially incorporated on May 1, 1865, as a small parish school located in Weston, Ontario. The founder, Revd. William A. Johnson, had wished for a better education for his sons, and so they and a few local boys made up the first class of nine students of the School. Today, TCS is an all-gender school, located in Port Hope (since 1868) and comprising nearly 600 students from Grades 9 to 12.

Those students, along with staff, had the chance to celebrate the School’s birthday during special events planned for Friday, April 28th. This included it being a non-uniform day in both the Senior and Junior Schools. After a morning of classes, all students enjoyed a barbecue lunch on the terraces that culminated in a hearty rendition of “Happy Birthday” before pieces of a giant birthday cake were passed around.

Senior School students had a break from classes in the afternoon to take part in a spirited pep rally followed by a House Dodgeball tournament and a host of artistic activities: contributing to a grid artwork piece, decorating cookies, writing chalk birthday messages on the sidewalk outside the athletic centre, and making signs to cheer on house teams. Thank you to the many students who helped to organize and lead these activities, as well as all of the staff members who supported a fun afternoon!