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Senior School library puts the “fun” in Focus Cycle

As Trinity College School students hit the books in preparation for exams, the Senior School library created opportunities to take a break, relax and enjoy time with peers during the “Focus Week Fun” initiative. Focus Week, or Focus Cycle, comprises the eight days of classes leading into exams, where students have a chance for review and preparation for summative assessments. In the past, the library staff has created relaxing activities for students during this period, and this year, with students facing their first traditional exam period since 2019, the need for a break from studies was even greater!

The events kicked off on Tuesday, May 24th with a Kapla blocks station. These plain wooden blocks allow students to create designs and structures simple or complex, encouraging attention and creativity.

Other highlights of Focus Week Fun included a communal loom where students could work for a time, adding their rows of yarn to those already produced by their peers. Button-making was exceptionally popular as was the table-length colouring station in Cirne Commons. And the outdoor, giant bubble activity was a joy! Students were so excited to see the size of the bubbles they were able to create using large wooden dowels and string.

One special initiative was an “appreciation station” set up in Cirne Commons, where students could write a note of thanks to someone and place it in the “TCS mailbox” to be delivered.

Adding to the gratitude, a big “thank you” goes to the Senior School library team for organizing these much-needed experiences for students during what can be, for some, a stressful time.