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Academic Insights: TCS Arts Department

The spring is always a particularly busy time in the arts department at Trinity College School, and we were collectively delighted to welcome families back to campus to enjoy live music last week as part of Arts Week!

From May 9th to 13th, Arts Week celebrated the visual and performing arts through a series of events, including the TCS Film Festival, Spring Concert and Jazz Night. For the first time since December 2019, families saw live music at the School, as our curricular and co-curricular ensembles presented three hours of music over two nights. Highlights of this experience included the chance for students in the Grade 11 Instrumental Music course to play with a professional jazz trio and the many solo student performances.

During Arts Week, a successful Silent Art Auction was held, featuring both student and donated works. Money raised is being donated to SKETCH Working Arts, a non-profit arts initiative that aims to involve marginalized youth in the arts. Their programs include arts wellness, production and leadership. Some of their current events include a “Winter Art Hangout,” which provides space and materials to work with, and “Free Art Supplies,” which provides access to materials, meal kits, harm reduction kits, and connections to referrals. Also part of Arts Week, our Grade 11 Media Arts class created a performance art piece with local artist Jenn Goodwin and Critical Mass. The class performed a “Procession of Hope” from the art room to the front of the School.

In other visual arts news, we welcome the return of Ms. Sally McKay-LePage to the art studios after a short absence, and are pleased to have former Junior School art teacher Ms. Peggy Poynton joining us for the spring term as well. Thanks to the generosity of the TCS Parents’ Guild, the School will be purchasing and installing a kiln in the visual arts wing. Many future students will benefit from creative curricular and co-curricular programming related to creating pottery, fused glass and ceramics. 

Our theatre program has had a successful year, demonstrating creativity and flexibility throughout. In November, cast and crew staged the first live production since the pandemic began – Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. But with pandemic restrictions back in play after the Christmas holidays, the planned live production of the comedy Play On! quickly shifted online. Faculty and students are to be commended for embracing the challenge of adapting to a virtual model.

We look forward to a live theatrical performance once again, as our Grade 9 and 10 students are in rehearsals for their production of A Play on Words, June 1st through 3rd. And looking ahead to the fall, The Play That Goes Wrong will take the stage of the Dick and Jane LeVan Theatre in November 2022.

Upcoming, the annual Art Awards will take place on June 2nd during the afternoon flex block, with parents able to attend in-person or watch via livestream. This week's edition of the Parents’ Newsletter includes further details on how to view our upcoming co-curricular awards ceremonies.

As we plan for the 2022-2023 academic year, the department is excited to be offering a cultural experience trip to New York City during November long weekend. The trip will include a Broadway show, live music, an art gallery visit and a tour of Juilliard, among other events. More information on this trip will be provided in the coming months!