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Rigby and Wright take top honours in House Debate finals

The 2021-2022 House Debates program at Trinity College School wrapped up this week with two exciting finals!

On Monday, April 25th, the Senior final was held in the Memorial Chapel, with Rigby House facing off against Hodgetts House (which was victorious over Wright House in a debate-off to earn a spot in the final). Isolde Ardies and Neyha Billing comprised the government side for Rigby, while Salem Elfirjani and Silas Hodges formed the opposition for Hodgetts. Fresh off of Earth Day, the teams argued the resolution that “the environment cannot be saved.”

Following a stellar debate, the judges declared Rigby House the winner of the Tom Lawson Senior House Debate Trophy.

In the Junior final, held Tuesday, April 26th in the chapel, Ketchum and Wright met to debate the resolution that “post-secondary education should be free.” Ketchum’s Serar Omar and Madison Miller argued the government side, against the Wright opposition of Val Northey and Anni Campbell Nikolovsky.

Wright House triumphed in the end, hoisting the Dr. Michael T. DuBroy Junior House Debate Trophy.

Congratulations to all of the debaters, who displayed great preparation, insight and rhetorical abilities throughout two tightly-contested finals.