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School community rallies for Ukraine

In the wake of the war in Ukraine, Trinity College School students and staff wanted to find a way to support the refugees who have been forced to flee Ukraine since the Russian invasion.

In the Senior School, Trinity Students for Social Justice (TSSJ) joined with Mr. Conor Eustace’s Grade 10 Canadian History class and Mr. Campbell Hall’s Grade 12 Equity and Social Justice class to host an online fundraiser. Funds raised will go through Help Us Help, a Toronto-based non-profit organization that has well-established channels for the planning and delivery of humanitarian aid and medical assistance to victims of the war.

Thanks to the generosity of the school community, the Go Fund Me campaign surpassed its goal, raising $3,778. Individual houses were challenged to raise as much as possible, with Scott House leading the way at $750, followed by Brent House ($630) and Rigby House ($505). Every house participated and many exceeded their initial fundraising goal (e.g. the top three houses all raised at least double their initial goal, with Scott House tripling it).   

Junior School students hosted a bake sale in support of the 16 families arriving from Ukraine to our local area. A total of $1,600 was raised in just one day!

Thank you to our students, staff and the broader school community for your support of these fundraising initiatives.