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Continued accreditation for Trinity College School

The Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS) has confirmed that Trinity College School has once again successfully demonstrated the requirements of accreditation. According to CAIS, “accreditation drives each school to continually strive for excellence, be more intentional in its practices and be accountable to all of its constituents.”

All CAIS member schools commit to a thorough accreditation process every seven years, requiring schools to address 130 indicators of effective practice across 12 standards of school life, including: mission, vision, values and strategy; academic program; co-curricular and the learning environment; leadership; human resources; school and community; enrolment management; governance; finance; physical plant, health and safety; commitment to school improvement; and, boarding.

“The CAIS accreditation process is designed to achieve the dual purpose of accountability and school improvement - aligning school practices to the highest National Standards through a process that combines both an internal self-assessment and an external peer review.”

Following TCS’s completion of a comprehensive internal assessment, in fall 2021, a team of colleagues from fellow independent schools joined TCS virtually, to conduct the external review portion of the accreditation process. Representatives from all the School’s constituencies – employees, students, current and past parents, prospective families, governors and alumni – were invited to participate in the review process.

TCS values the accreditation process and believes that not only does it provide assurance to our school community that we are actively working to provide a positive learning environment for our students, but it also allows us an opportunity to reflect as a school on what we do, why we do it and how we can do it even better.

“On behalf of the School, I wish to thank the CAIS team and the external review committee for their thoughtful and thorough review of Trinity College School,” said TCS Headmaster Stuart Grainger. “While we take great pride in our programming and operations, with a growth mindset, we are constantly seeking to improve and evolve to best serve our students and their families; both internal and external review is critical to that endeavour.”

For more information on the CAIS accreditation process, visit