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Four students earn Distinction in the winter term of sports

While the winter term of competitive athletics at Trinity College School was shortened somewhat by pandemic-related mandates, it was nonetheless a successful season with many highlights. As athletes and coaches gathered in the Dick and Jane LeVan Theatre – with families watching via livestream – on Friday, April 1st, the School celebrated commitment, leadership and achievement at the Winter Athletic Awards ceremony. It was a chance to reflect on lessons learned, friendships made and milestones reached. A special shout-out to the alpine ski team, which earned multiple individual and team medals, including three gold, at this year’s Conference of Independent School Athletic Association (CISAA) Championships.

Four athletes earned Distinction in the winter term of sports: Grade 12 hockey players Garrett Joss and Ben Boon, Grade 12 skier Brennon O’Grady and Grade 11 skier Silas Hodges. Distinction represents a superior level of achievement on the part of a student who has also demonstrated commitment and served as an ambassador for the School in their athletic endeavours.

As well, 17 students were presented with Bigside ties, acknowledging their third season on a Bigside team at TCS: Morad Aref, Nathan Blais, Oliver Cowan, Jasmine de Pencier, Téa Efovi, Valeria Fonseca Ortega, Victor-Antoine Fortier, Adam Fraser, William Frendo-Jones, Liam Gibson, Mimi Grieve, Eadyn Meier, Jake Pritchard, Emma Radley, Tharun Shaji, Nadia Simmonds and Justin Wang.

We want to congratulate the award recipients, and all of the staff and students who took part in our competitive athletics program for their perseverance and dedication throughout the term. And a special note of gratitude to Sydney Mueller, Katrina Wang and Natasha Deichmann serving as emcees for the awards ceremony!