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Winter Sports Report: Middleside Boys Basketball

Trinity College School’s Middleside basketball team finished the season with an exciting win against Toronto Montessori School on Wednesday, March 2nd. The season was filled with ups and downs and to finish with a win was reflective of the hard work and dedication that the students put in. 

Leading into Christmas, the team was selected and was made up of a variety of players; some had played club basketball, some had never played an organized game of basketball in their life, and others had not stepped on the court since they were in sixth grade. It was tough as coaches to design a practice plan with so many different experience levels. However, each practice, the team showed up ready to work, learn and listen. As we progressed, the team started to communicate more, understand each other as players and exhibit the court sense necessary for a game. 

Disappointingly, our season was delayed after Christmas by provincial pandemic mandates. But, we continued to come together as a team with online workouts and listened to guest speakers talk about their experiences playing basketball in Europe. When we were finally back in the gym together, we got to work focussing on shot formation and making smart passes. Our first games were a challenge. But, as the rust wore off, we were left with something better than a win; we had a respectful, kind, positive and caring team. Each player supported one another, and all of us celebrated the fact we could play. Every single teammate made incredible progress in their play development and skill level. 

Congratulations to our graduating players, Seyi Ogundipe, Gordon Bennett, Michael Damiani and Kephra Grandison, for a great season, and our captains, Seyi and Gordon, for leading the team. 

- By Ms. Cristy Drake, coach