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Winter Sports Report: Bigside Volleyball

Trinity College School’s Bigside girls volleyball program has seen many player changes since the last time the team stepped on a volleyball court for an inter-school competition in the winter of 2019-2020. Back then, there were 12 players on the team, of which only four were on the 2021-2022 edition: Mimi Grieve, Téa Efovi, Katrina Wang and Sydney Mueller. These returning players certainly provided core strengths needed for the team to play in Division I.

Tryouts in November 2022 saw a significant number of girls looking to play volleyball in the TCS program, and the enthusiasm was palpable as everyone was looking forward to once again playing for their school. Sport was back, and the smiles and excitement came along with it. As tryouts concluded and teams were being established, coaches made some tough decisions on where to place those who would be on a team for the winter season. Coaches recognize the courage it takes to try out and that their decisions on who plays where in the program must be made fairly and respecting each of the players involved. When the dust settled, there were 10 girls on the Bigside team, including five seniors: Sydney Mueller, Katrina Wang, Reese McGee, Natasha Deichmann and Alex Bedard. Next year, five players will return: Mimi Grieve, Téa Efovi, Olivia Conacher, Emilie Vahramian and Lizzie Wadds. Each one of the 10 had skills to contribute to the team.

A normal season would have included three tournaments, 8-10 league games and playoffs. However, our not so dear friend COVID-19 wanted to play, and so school sport once again was put on hold in mid-December. The players on Bigside maintained a positive approach with good effort at practices and in training, all the while just waiting for the opportunity to resume play. Their chance came in mid-February, and school sport could once again get back on track with practices, and a condensed season of play was created to begin after the Family Day weekend. The team played four league matches with a record of two wins and two losses; a respectable result considering all the factors affecting the season.

To the five graduating players, well done! Your contributions have been valuable and your participation much appreciated. Your combined efforts provided some great memories, lots of laughs and some great volleyball. You will be missed. To the five returning players, you have next year to look forward to. You each have skills that will be a solid base on which to build the 2022-2023 Bigside team.

A special mention is warranted for two players on Bigside this year. Both Sydney Mueller and Katrina Wang have played on the team since their Grade 9 year; a feat few players ever accomplish. It is also remarkable that both have been core to the team in each of their four years; Katrina as the setter and Sydney as the core attacker and passer. Congratulations to you both on a fine four-year career playing for Bigside girls volleyball.

- By Ms. Shannon Rauh-Wasmund and Mr. Tim White, coaches