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Finding ways to connect over the miles

During the shift to online classes following the holiday break, our students and staff worked to maintain a sense of community as we were spread out around the globe.

The tradition of Themed Thursdays continued during remote learning, with the prefects designating January 6th as “Wacky Accessory Day” and January 13th as “Fun Virtual Backgrounds Day” for Senior School students. The prefects also organized a hilarious Kahoot game, where students were challenged to match faculty members with their baby photos!

As well, coaches and arts and service learning leaders checked in with their winter groups, and regular rehearsals continued online for the upcoming winter play, the Rick Abbot comedy Play On, which is slated to run in early February.

In the Junior School, numerous theme days and fun activities were initiated, including a chance for students to bring their favourite stuffed animal to online class, and an opportunity to meet everyone’s real-life pets on screen. The last day of official remote learning, Friday, January 14th, was a chance to celebrate, as Junior School students once again took part in the Alive Outdoors program. It was a day filled with laughter and friendly competition for our Grade 5 to 8 students.

Thank you to everyone who put forth the effort to make the best of yet another pivot to online learning. The TCS Bears’ spirit and sense of community, as always, prevailed.