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Summer Academy 2022 courses announced

Trinity College School’s Summer Academy is ready to connect students to a well-supported online learning experience, wherever they are this summer! Courses for the summer 2022 program are now posted at, and online registration opens February 8th.

TCS was one of the first schools in Canada to embrace the potential of e-learning, having offered online summer courses for nearly 20 years. Our online summer courses are group paced; students move through the course units together interacting through real-time video conferencing, discussion forums and a unique smartphone app. Considerations are made for different time zones to enable students, no matter where they are in the world, to actively participate in real-time with their teacher and peers. Students taking online courses through TCS experience the same level of care, attention and commitment to student success as our on-campus programming.

Dates, course offerings, fees and other information are available online on the Summer Academy website, and the link to the registration form will be live there on February 8th. Note: All Summer Academy courses are open to the public. Inquiries can be directed to Acting Director of Summer Programs Lisa Redmond (