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Faculty PD sessions quickly shift to online learning focus

Each January, before students return from the holiday break, Trinity College School educational staff members set aside a full day for professional development activities, allowing for time to gather with department members, and to enhance skills and knowledge in key areas. This January, plans shifted in light of the Ontario government’s announcement of a temporary move to online learning to begin 2022.

TCS teachers in both the Junior and Senior Schools took part in a day of remote sessions and meetings on Monday, January 3rd, to help them gear up for this changing landscape and share with one another the lessons they have learned over the past two years of transitioning between in-person and online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sessions included “The Role of the Teacher in Student Support” and “Teaching Online” as well as a community health update and a discussion of ways to support and engage the small group of boarders currently living on campus but learning online. Areas of emphasis included how to communicate effectively with students and families in the virtual environment, how to establish a sense of community amongst students spread around the world, and appropriate expectations and assessment for online learning. These sessions were led by faculty members and allowed for the sharing of ideas and strategies amongst colleagues.

The theme throughout the day was clear: TCS faculty are here to support students during this time. While all of us look forward to the return to in-person learning, educational staff members are ready to help cultivate community and ensure continuity of learning in the temporary shift to online classes.