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Academic Insights: TCS Grade 10 Program

The Trinity College School staff has noticed something special about this year’s Grade 10 cohort. The Grade 10 students are collectively demonstrating academic excellence through diligent study habits and a positive approach to learning. Many teachers have remarked that the students are incredibly keen and eager to dive into the class content of the day. The Grade 10s are thriving as they emerge from a disjointed Grade 9 year of in-person and online learning. They appear to be rejoicing with the opportunity to learn together and to interact face-to-face. With many positive changes loosening restrictions throughout the fall the Grade 10 students are excited to have a chance to engage in many areas of school life.

Co-curricular activities are no longer cohorted by grade, which has allowed students to try out for teams, play in inter-school sport competitions, perform in the play, play their instruments, join a variety of art offerings and to get back to in-person service work. These positive changes, along with many others throughout the School, have allowed the Grade 10 students to make meaningful connections both inside and outside of the classroom.

A particularly meaningful experience in which the Grade 10 students shared was on September 30th, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The Grade 10 group focused on “Sport and Reconciliation” through the lens of lacrosse. This included the history of lacrosse, exposure to the game of lacrosse, and current issues the Iroquois Nationals team faces. Students focused on understanding the role sport has in reconciliation. Guest speaker Shaniece Mohawk from the Turtle Clan of the Seneca Nation spoke from her perspective as she worked with the Iroquois Nationals World Lacrosse teams in many capacities and is currently the general manager for the 2022 women’s teams. After Ms. Mohawk spoke, students were able to reflect and engage with Calls to Action #87-91. Listening to the sincere thoughtfulness and compassion of the students was heartwarming as they worked through the activities. The Grade 10 classes took an opportunity to use the habits of the heart and mind which they are developing and apply them to a very important current issue. Students concluded the day by having the opportunity to play the ancient game led by the captain of the Buffalo Bandits, and ally to the Iroquios Nationals, Steve Priolo.

As the winter term begins, the Grade 10 students are encouraged to reflect on lessons they have learned so far and set goals for themselves. These goals might include making improvements academically, or trying something new in co-curriculars! Grade 10 is a great year to try new things and explore the many opportunities at the School. For example, all students have access to the Peer to Peer Support program. Students are able to access support by emailing The Peer to Peer Support team is also looking for more mentors, and Grade 10 students can volunteer their time and become mentors to other students (the link to the sign-up sheet has been emailed to students). The specific areas of need are in biology, chemistry, computer science and all levels of math, so Grade 10 students who are comfortable supporting other students in any of those courses are encouraged to volunteer hours.

Overall the combined energy and efforts of each student in the cohort will make for a wonderful experience as the grade continues to bond and build relationships over the next few years. Based on the exciting start to the year, TCS staff members are eager to see what this cohort is capable of!

- By Mrs. Jacqueline Priolo, Grade 10 coordinator