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Career Showcase gives students a glimpse into the future

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Twenty? Senior School students got a glimpse into the future as Trinity College School hosted its annual Career Showcase online the evening of Wednesday, April 7th. A group of alumni representing a range of professions volunteered their time to meet via Zoom with students and share their perspective.

Topics covered included post-secondary pathways, the highs and lows of each profession, and what 21st century skills employers are looking for. There was a special emphasis on how to access mentorship and support. The insight and experience of our alumni speakers helped our students to see ways they can seek out help and advice, and to understand the importance of balancing determination with flexibility, as they encounter stumbling blocks or forks in the road in their future education and careers.

Special thanks go to the alumni who gave of their time and expertise:

  • Dr. Rishi Bhargava ’04 – medical doctor, specializing in internal medicine & cardiology
  • Todd Byers ’02 – investment banker with Goldman Sachs
  • Lauren Chin-You ’07 – senior manager of communications with RBC
  • James Cunningham ’00 – entrepreneur, co-founder of ShopBrain
  • Chalene (Roberts) Gallagher ’01 – financial regulator at the Federal Reserve Bank, NY
  • Sydney Kidd ’10 – innovation strategist with Idea Couture, athlete

The philanthropy & alumni office, which organizes the annual Career Showcase, welcomes parents and alumni interested in presenting in the future. Please reach out to Rick Traugott, manager of alumni programs, at