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Bravo, parents! Bravo!

Submitted by sgrainger on

It is hard to match the excitement and nervous energy of the first day and first week of school. This is particularly so for parents when it’s their child’s first time at a new school, or if they are going into Grade 9, and/or if they will be boarding for the first time. (And, how about if you were a student experiencing all three of these things!).

The first week at TCS is now in the rear view mirror. And, what an active week it has been! It goes without saying that it has been busiest for the students with lots of “firsts” to stickhandle, but let us not minimize the impact on parents! Right, parents?

Think of the emotional journey you have been on since the day that you (or your child) first considered the possibility of attending TCS. For many parents, that was years ago. For most of you (Senior School parents, in particular), it was your kids who took the lead, doing the research and, ultimately, choosing this new educational journey.

For your child to take ownership of their educational future by making such a massive milestone decision is testament to their maturation, development and growth at an early stage of their young lives. It’s testament also to you, as parents, for supporting them and encouraging them. Parents, you must be so proud. Let me take a moment to congratulate you.

As for the first week at TCS, your kids are in a better position to provide a bird’s eye view on this experience. But, rest assured, they will never forget these busy, nervous, engaging and energizing opening days. Also, know in your hearts that this experience will serve your child well in their lives going forward. After all, they have had a vision of their future, researched the options, made a decision, made a change, implemented the change and, for many, they have now experienced vulnerability and emotion, the likes of which they may have never experienced before. That takes courage.

They’re growing up. And, they are making the right decisions.

Congratulations, parents, your support and encouragement are paying off.

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