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Bittersweet Defined: Graduation Day

Submitted by sgrainger on

I remember moments of my high school graduation day very clearly. I am not saying, by any means, that it “feels like yesterday!” Because it doesn’t. However, I have an image in my mind of receiving my diploma, a long speech and the award presentations.

But, of all memories, my most vivid was when I took my last step off campus. I have likely embellished this moment in my mind’s eye, but I recall that I came to a full stop at the end of the walkway leading off the school grounds. I looked back for about 20 seconds and then proceeded to get in the car with my parents and we drove home.

Upon reflection, I believe that I was at that stage of my life when I had become very much aware that my life’s path was now going in a completely different direction. And, my school, the place where I had just spent the last eight years of my life, was now in my past. Never to be revisited.

The TCS Leaving Class of 2023, I am sure, will have mixed emotions of varying degrees regarding both their joy of achieving a lifetime milestone while also sadness at the end of a long tenure within a community where they literally have grown up.

Here is a major difference that I would like to present, which contrasts my emotions at the time of my own high school graduation, and is based on the reality that I have (almost!) completed 19 high school graduation ceremonies here at Trinity College School.

Graduation from TCS is not “goodbye, forever!” There is a difference between “goodbye” and “see you again.”

And, graduation from TCS is “see you again, soon.” Trinity College School has been around for 158 years and it will be around for at least another 158 years more! Our Reunion Weekend turnouts are testament to the fact that great numbers of our alumni love to return to their old school and to reconnect with friends from around the world, former teachers and school staff.

So grads, it is, “see you again soon! “¡hasta luego!”; “a plus tard!” “bis spater!”; arrivederci!”…

And, to my blog readers: thank you for reading this past academic year. I will be back!

See you in September!

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