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The power of rugby

Submitted by sgrainger on

This week, Grade 12 student-athletes, Jasmine De Pencier and Malinka Kwemo, share their thoughts on the importance of the girls rugby program at TCS and reflect on their team’s recent successes.

Written by guest bloggers, Jasmine De Pencier and Malinka Kwemo

Rugby is one of the most taxing sports. It takes the strongest athlete, both mentally and physically, to willingly step on a field where everyone’s goal is to bring you to the ground. This is also what makes it so special; you would only play rugby if you love it. That means that every player on the field, and every keen player on the bench waiting to get on, has a love for the sport beyond any fear of getting tackled. Rugby is a sport where the lows are low and the highs are high, but the game is always played with respect for everyone involved whether it be players, coaches or referees.

While the sport is rigorous and tough, so are the girls who play it. Most girls quit sports before the age of 16. Most girls don’t see themselves playing rugby because of the level of contact. But, most girls haven’t had the opportunity to be exposed to the inclusive and exhilarating community that is rugby.

During TCS’s first Bigside girls rugby tour, the players showed undeniable strength going undefeated on the international stage in Cayman Islands over the Easter Break weekend. The hardworking female athletes put it all on the line, showing the values of a female rugby player: passion, grit and pride. Pride for our team, pride for our school, and pride for the girls rugby program.

With the support of many students, teachers and alumni who watched from home, and Mr. Black, Ms. Harvey, Mr. Mann and Mr. & Mrs. Grainger, who cheered us on from the sidelines, we have been humbled by the overwhelming love we have received from the TCS community. The 14 girls on the team are grateful for the opportunity we’ve been given to display our strength as female athletes, knowing that there are many more young girls who have yet to experience the TCS rugby program.

As graduating students, we often reflect on how our influence here at TCS is not only impactful while we are here, but also in the legacy we leave behind. We hope to translate everything that the sport of rugby has taught us into our future endeavours.

We hope the rugby program continues to grow and prosper as an outlet to inspire young and eager girls. We hope that, through rugby, TCS will continue to invest in forming strong and independent female athletes who will also leave TCS grateful for the way rugby has touched their hearts and minds.

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