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Top 10 things about being back at school

Submitted by sgrainger on

We are now more than two weeks into the 2022-2023 academic year, and I am confident that the majority of kids (and their parents!) are delighted to be back at school for a more “normal,” engaged and rejuvenated academic year.

I am, too.

In fact, I am delighted by the vibe, energy and ethos in our school community. We recognize COVID’s continued presence and particular threat to those most vulnerable, however, when in a school setting, you cannot help but witness – and feel – a palpable positive outlook.

So, with that reflection and appreciation in mind, here is my list of the Top 10 things about being back at school (in no particular order):

  1. Smiles and laughter 
  2. Singing in chapel
  3. Watching older and/or returning kids help those students who are new and/or younger
  4. Teachers able to fully teach, instead of having to spend time monitoring the physical distance between students
  5. Junior School kids playing Four Square and basketball, swinging on swings and skipping to lunch
  6. Sports and arts tryouts and practices on campus – and service learning in our community – on Saturday
  7. Colleagues chatting in the common room at the return of our first weekly in-person faculty break meeting
  8. The beehive of activity in our campus facilities
  9. Onion rings in Osler Hall
  10. Seeing our community gather as one in Cirne Commons

I am sure that you too have your own Top 10 list! Actually, my list could easily expand into a Top 100 list, truth be told.

That said, of course, not all of our upcoming days will be as carefree as these first two weeks, as classes, commitments, deadline pressures and our busy pace of TCS life will necessarily kick in.

But, there is no doubt that we are off to a very fine and enjoyable start to the year, an energy and perspective that will serve our community well in the weeks and months ahead.

Hip! Hip! Hooray!

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