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Spring cleaning – for students!

Submitted by jreid on

Spring has sprung, and although the warm temperatures have not yet fully coincided with the new season, we know it is just a matter of time. One can’t help but enjoy the birds chirping outside the windows of Boulden House or seeing our outdoor spaces transition from snow-covered white to new-growth green. There is something about spring at Trinity College School that makes for excitement, renewal and promise.

This time of year also presents an opportunity to take inventory and make change. Years ago, when homes were primarily heated by fires, spring cleaning would be an opportunity to clean away the mess of winter and with it, the soot and grime that would have accumulated over the winter months. While this kind of cleaning is not needed to the same degree, thanks to modern furnaces or geothermal heating, spring cleaning has been ritualized into many aspects of our life at this time of year. While you, as adults, might have your own to-do list for around the house and in the gardens, students can very much take part in their own form of spring cleaning with respect to their school routine.

Here is a spring cleaning checklist for students and families to help bolster the end-of-year momentum and ensure these next few months can be as successful as possible:

  1. Audit your daily school routine – Will your morning and evening routine change with the onset of spring? Will your child have different commitments, different pieces of uniform, school supplies or co-curricular equipment to add into their daily packing list? Take time over the break to audit your routine to remove or add anything that may have changed with the season.
  2. Give backpacks and any other uniform pieces/equipment a thorough cleaning – You never know what one might find at the bottom of a child’s backpack. Have your child go through and clean, organize, replenish or remove anything that is taking up too much space.
  3. Organize study and homework spaces – We know that having less clutter in our work spaces can contribute to less stress and higher productivity. Have your child look over their work spaces and address anything that may be causing distractions. Adding a plant to a workspace is always a great idea!
  4. Check-in on mental health How is your child feeling? Having positive coping strategies at hand to manage big emotions and worrisome moments is key. With more sunshine and greater opportunities to get outside, we naturally tend to feel better. However, checking in with your child and reinforcing positive strategies for the remainder of term will certainly help.

Wishing you a “Happy Easter,” “Happy Passover” or “Ramadan Mubarak.” Enjoy your long weekend filled with family, friends and maybe a bit of cleaning!

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