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CAG shines a light on Diwali traditions
  • three images, in one a girl smiles while receiving a henna tattoo, in another two students kneel on large paper covered with bright artwork on the floor, in the third, a student pours powdered yellow paint onto a paper plate

Students representing India joined with members of Cultural Awareness Group (CAG) to share the beautiful traditions of Diwali with the Trinity College School community on November 7th. Also known as Deepavali, Diwali was officially celebrated on November 12th, but owing to the November Break, our school community had the chance to mark the occasion a few days early.

Grade 12 student Mahi Nanda explained about Diwali: “It is a significant festival celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs in India [and other parts of the world]. This festive occasion symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. Diwali is observed by families lighting the interior and exterior of their homes, sharing sweets and lighting fireworks.” Mahi encouraged people to watch this video to learn more about this important religious day.

During lunchtime on November 7th, CAG hosted a Diwali gathering in Cirne Commons. There were special sweets (ladoo) available and the opportunity to receive a henna tattoo, and the commons came alive with Indian music and the colourful rangoli artwork created by students. The group had planned to also hold a sparkler and candle celebration on Wednesday, November 8th, but an unexpected bout of freezing rain put a damper on this portion of the events.

Nonetheless, it was a wonderful presentation by the members of CAG and we thank them for their contributions to highlighting Diwali and its importance in the lives of Hindus, Jains and Sikhs in India and worldwide.